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Terrell Liedstrand, MA, MT-BC

Neurologic Music Therapy / Rehabilitation / Oncology
Terrell Liedstrand, MA, MT-BC
"The sea is like music, it has all the dreams of the soul within itself and sounds them over."
Carl Jung

Terrell Liedstrand, MA, MT-BC (he/him/his) is a board certified music therapist and a dedicated professional who is committed to helping others through the power of music. He completed his Master of Arts degree in music therapy at the University of the Pacific, where he also earned his bachelor's degree in psychology. 

Terrell has a wealth of experience working with a variety of individuals, including those with psychiatric or developmental concerns. he completed his internship at the Hospice of Santa Cruz County and is currently serving patients in oncology and neurological rehabilitation.

For Terrell, the connections between music and therapy have been an entirely kaleidoscopic interplay of artistic episodes and intellectual adventures. Having grown up in a musical family he was surrounded by the joy and community that traditional acoustic music brings. His family includes not only musicians, but also teachers, so the connection between music and learning has always been a natural part of his life. He realized that he wanted to use his musical talents and passion to serve others and inspire them to empower themselves. He found the perfect way to do this by pursuing graduate studies in music therapy at the University of the Pacific, where he has discovered the endless connections between music and therapy. Today Terrell has developed a progressive outlook with a focus on creative expression in the therapeutic use of music. 

In his free time, Terrell loves to spend time outdoors, practice yoga, host tea parties, and contribute to hilarious moments with friends. He is always looking for ways to use music to make a positive impact in the world.